Sahas Foundation

Company information:

  • Name : Sahas Foundation
  • Company Type : Profit Non-distribution Company
  • Date of Registration :26 March 2018
  • PAN No. : 606748823
  • Registration : Office of Company Registrar, Ministry of Industry, Nepal
  • Registration Number : 1863833/074/075
  • Address : Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, Nepal
  • Contact number : +977-01-5905670 / +977-9851 043864
  • Contact Person : Surendra Kumar Shrestha, PhD
  • Designation : Chief Executive Officer
  • Email Address : /
  • Number of staff : 11 (6 Female, 5 Male)

Sahas Foundation, a Profit Non-distribution Company established in 2018 by a group of highly multidisciplinary professional team to serve the rural communities of Nepal. The company is registered legally according to the Companies Act, 2006 in Office of Company Registrar of Ministry of Industry, Nepal. If the company generated any profit and bonus by its program, it shall be spent to increase company’s capital and community support activities to achieve its objectives.


Our new website is coming soon, stay tuned!